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New paintings on canvas is ready for sale:
Permeable structures
100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm
Acrylic painting on canvas

Prints from $200
"It's not about the paint. Or the canvas. It's about digging deep enough to stir the soul."
Poème No 9

100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm
Acrylic painting on canvas

Prints from $200

Abstract Ocean #1

100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm
Acrylic painting on canvas

Prints from $200

Quiet storm

(2 pieces)

100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm

TEXTURED painting on canvas



Shifting colors
100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm
Acrylic painting on canvas

Prints from $300

Can't stop feeling

100 W x 140 H x 3.8 D cm
Acrylic painting on canvas

Prints from $200

40 W x 50 H cm
Ink, paper

Prints from $200

Status Quo
40 W x 50 H cm
Ink, paper

Prints from $200


The rush can wait
40 W x 50 H cm
Ink, paper

Prints from $200

A small part of
40 W x 70 H cm
Ink, paper

Prints from $200


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